Advice From Our Moms

Advice From Our Moms

Moms make the world go round. We would probably be lost without the advice we lean on our moms for. We asked the Blessed Banana Fam what some of the best advice their moms gave them is, and this is what they said:

Melanie, Content Creator- She told me, "Don't have a conversation with someone when you're mad. Take the time to process your emotions when you aren't upset."

Nadine, CEO- "You are who you hang out with. Surround yourself with those who have great Integrity."

Shelly, Content Manager- My mom's advice: "For god sake, get yourself a friend." 

Tashena, Senior Educator- "Use your imagination. If you can envision it, you can create it."

Stacey, Sales Manager- "Just because you are struggling doesn't mean you are failing. Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there. The best lessons and growth come from your tough times. Don't give up!"

Kristin, Marketing Assistant- My mom's advice is, "We make money every day, so buy the shoes if they make you happy." This advice has got me into trouble a couple of times.

Charo, Bookkeeper - "Whenever you feel overwhelmed, just remember whose daughter you are."

Jasmine, Operations Manager - "Do what you want. Just understand there are consequences."

Taina, Executive Support- "Be a leader…not a follower!"

From the Blessed Banana Fam, we want to thank all moms who have impacted their young ones' lives! You are doing your absolute best, and we notice it. Thank you, moms, for everything you have taught us!💛

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